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SHEDA 30th Excellence Awards 2023: the Merit Award for Landed Residential (LARGE)

The Noble Courtyard is a relaxing residential park, conveniently located in Padang Kerbau. It takes only minutes of drive to reach most public amenities, such as General Hospital (6 mins), Marina Bay Park (9 mins), town centre (9 mins).

This 87-unit housing estate includes 20 units of double storey semi-detached houses and 67 units of double storey terrace houses.

Both semi-detached houses and terrace corner houses offer 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, ideal for big, merry families. Nevertheless, intermediate terrace houses come with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, idea for smaller household.

The Noble Courtyard is more than ordinary housing estate. Aside from its prime location, The Noble Courtyard also encourages communal living by including pedestrian oriented facilities within the residential compound. Residents can always take a refreshing walk in the green, without driving out from the neighbour. Most importantly, this is a gated, guarded residential park, where a safe, happy home is meant to be.



如果能够肆无忌惮的坐在公园,看着小孩无忧无虑的在草坪上追逐,而不需要担心人群拥挤,害怕堵车的问题, 更不需要追着时间跑, 是您想要的生活形态吗?


陪伴家人是人生最宝贵的一个环节。可是,时间又不够用,真的能够忙的同时又可以陪伴着家人? 答案是,能!


THE NOBLE; 一个拥有全面保安系统的项目; 24 小时保安配合着夜间巡逻加上屋内配有一套保安系统的监视下,生活的安全感肯定加分。


THE NOBLE; 一个拥有户外公园的项目; 让住在那里的您,能够忙的同时陪伴着家人,把最好的与家人分享。 让您的生活,过的精致又优质。


THE NOBLE: 提升您与家人生活的安全感的同时也让您与家人能够无时无刻都能够享受户外公园的绿意, 与家人分享最好的。


这个项目,您还需要考虑吗? 联系我们 (, 让我们为您服务。

让您能把 最好的与家人分享。

What if you could sit in the middle of the park watching your children play around in the lawn with minimum worry on crowded, traffic jams and time constraints issue. Is this the life you are looking forward?


The precious moment in life is be able to accompany your family along the way. However, with so limited time available for so many tasks to handle, can you still make out the time for your love one? The answer is YES!


The NOBLE, comes with a comprehensive security system completed with a 24 hours security service, night patrol and internal alarm system. Providing you with the safest environment to stay.


THE NOBLE, possesses its own outdoor park, allow you to spend your valuable and wonderful time with you lovely family. Enjoying a high quality and exquisite lifestyles.



Enhance your sense of secure in your life while allowing you to enjoy the greenness of the outdoor park all the time with your family.


Still thinking? Contact us ( and let us serve you.

Share the best with your love ones.

#GSDEVPGROUPalwayswithyou #GSDEVPMiri #thenoblecourtyard

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Member No: SHEDA/323/13

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